Sea Pines Homeowners Association Monthly News

May 10, 2004

Dear Neighbor,

The monthly FMB meeting was held Saturday May 8, 2004. A beautiful Saturday in Brewster.

A moment of silence was held for Joan Jameson and Fred Nichols, both of whom passed away since our last meeting.

The financial report shows we are on target year to date, with the exception of snow removal, and all contributions to the reserve accounts are being made.

Management reported 2 sales and one lease: SALES

Grounds & Maintenance reported that weed control would be done this week. Weeds have sprouted early this year and our landscaper will be requested to keep an eye on this in future years. The bluff pruning has been completed and the committee is pleased with this years results. Since this was accomplished earlier, a lot of the invasive species were able to be removed and they think the results will show great improvement over last year. A piece of good news is that the pruning will come in under budget.

The new Web Site is available for everyone to use. Christopher Wroten has done a fantastic job designing it and I'm sure you will be pleased. Visit the site at:

We have the basis of a settlement agreement with the abutters negotiated by the various attorneys. A group of FMB members will be meeting with our attorney this week and if everything seems satisfactory, a special FMB meeting will be held Saturday May 22nd in the clubhouse to vote approval. The phase boards of each of the four Sea Pines Condominiums will also be required to be present as each must vote approval in addition to the FMB.

The annual meeting will be held Sunday May 30, 2004 at 9:30am (registration at 9am) at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History. Even if you plan to attend please return your proxy so we can be sure of a quorum from each of the four phases.

The next scheduled FMB board meeting is Saturday May 29, 2004. Although it has not been cancelled as yet, due to the lateness of the April meeting, and the additional meeting on May 22, if nothing new is needed to be acted on, it will probably be cancelled.

A personal note: The comments made writing this newsletter are my own interpretations of what is going on, not official minutes of the monthly meetings. The same will be true of whoever is chosen to write the newsletter by the new FMB board. I have enjoyed writing this newsletter the past few months and am grateful for the positive responses and support I have received from so many of you.


Richard Rose, For the FMB